I DO NOT FEEL ALIVE government is spying on me the government is spying on me sending my data to sex pests to continuiously harass and stalk me i'm smarter than i lead on Over-arching menu Main Page Music Reviews What is SAPA Links Visit sites
My Declining Mental State How Everything Got Fucked Where I've been, what I've been doing, and why everything sucks.
The Final Solution How my ex-girlfriend ruined my life. When you have 0 options, you resort to dating shit.
Haunted Houses, Hood Culture and Spiggers 9-30-23 There's is nothing like having a good time at an amusement park and getting bullied by hood rat trash
So it's come to this: Georgia has a blog 8-26-23 Nows your chance to get an intimate look into the interests, personality, and goings on of me
Bandcamp Roundup for 8-21/8-27 2023 8-27-23 Do you like obscure death metal? If so, you'll love The Bandcamp Roundup. 5 albums straight from the musical gutters to your blue-light screen.