Halloween is here, losers
Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays, as a kid I always had a great time dressing up and getting free candy. However during these developmental years I always struggled with the scarier aspects of halloween (such as haunted houses.) As a child, I was a huge pussy, the earliest memory of halloween came from 1st grade, when I went through a haunt set up by my school, and older student poped out of a bush wearing a Ghostface mask and scared the absolute daylights out of me for the rest of the night. And according to my parents, that incident made me afraid of halloween.
Lets fast-forward to a couple days ago (as of writing.) I was invited to test out a couple haunted houses at a local amusement park, and since I have an immence love of all things horror, I RSVP'd and invited a friend of mine as soon as I got the invitation.
When we arrived to the spook zone. My friend and I were immediatly bombarded by zoomers begging for +1's because ofc, they're stupid drug addicts who don't wage, keep smoking dope and going into psychotic breaks XDDDDDD. Anyways, once we arrived and got through the small group of teens. We met up with a work buddy of mine and got in line for a ROLLER COASTER!!!! In the midst of getting in line, there were a group of spiggers bullying the group in front of them, I was told this by a guy I see regularly at my job.
Now, you might be wondering what a spigger is. A spigger is a latino who allowed themselves to become influenced by nigger culture, causing the brains to rot to levels unseen by typical latinos. Spiggers do nothing but smoke pot and waste their lives (and attention spans) on TikTok.

Spiggers are trash
Time For The Fun
As we got in line for the first haunted house (and made a George Floyd CANT SNEED joke) we stumbed upon a group of spiggers who were over-reacting to the costumed characters jumpscaring and dragging baseball bats across the que fence. Because I'm an unironic autistic virgin, I began pestering the actors to tap my arm with the baseball bat, this started getting the spiggers upset because my idea of fun is much different than theirs. They like getting high and wasting time on tiktok, I like doing math and terrorizing my ex-girlfriend. As we got into the first haunt, one of my work buddies got immencely terrified for some reason, I personally don't understand since I've seen much worse than these haunted houses, but to each their own I guess. The first haunted house we went into was themed to a mental hospital, since ashoids love halloween, there were plenty of them. And of course, they're all fat and look like gutter trash. So I began making fun of them and telling them to get STEM degrees (because art degrees pay jack shit, imagine getting a theater degree, you must be a fucking retard.)
The next haunt was themed to a fun house, and this is where the majority of ASHoids resided, you can tell because all the women in that haunt were fat, and had ear gauges. But besides that, this haunt was my favorite. I love fun houses, so getting to go through one, and harrassing ASHoids at the same time is heavenly. I saw one of my friends working that haunt too, so my buddies and i said to ourselves "holy science, that was Anon!"