Since I can remember, I've never been successful at courting women. Much like how space is the final frontier for humanity, landing a successful date is my final frontier. I have the intellect to achieve anything I damn well please, but finding a woman willing to spend time with me is a challenge I cannot seem to conquer. While my friends brag about their girlfriends and how they're quality people, I'm struggling to find my footing in todays joke of a dating market. In the past, I've had some opportunities to establish a romantic relationship, but the types of women willing to enter a relationship with me are undesirable.
The first time a woman deemed me worthy of her time was in my senior year of high school. This girl was a walking liability for a multitude of reasons. She hung around middle schoolers, spent months in mental hospitals, dyed her hair unnatural colors, and was an artist. She asked me out over snapchat dms, I forget what she said exactly. But I do recall rejecting her for not being white, upon reading that text she told me that she would return to dating her ex-girlfriend (be bisexual, eat hot chip and lie) I didn't care much because what man in their right mind would date a woman who spends time in mental hospitals? How desperate does one have to be to settle for filth like that?
My next opportunity wouldn't arise until spring semester of my freshman year of college. I took a manditory writing 101 class and found myself attracted to this one girl. I managed to get her snap and ask her out a couple times, but nothing ever came of that because why would it? This section isn't about her though, it's about some hood rat spigger trash. Every class she would come in wearing the same outfit drenched in the odor of cigarette smoke, she would wear a mask over he face because ugly women try to hide their most undesirable features. She had some kind of ghetto accent, and would complain about being poor to me. One time, I was hanging with my friend at the cafe, and she was sitting with her group of theater major friends. She walks up to me, invites me to sit with her, and I outright ignore her request. My friend tells me "dude, shes obviously interested in you" but I didn't care, i'm not dating ghetto trash. It's just not something I'm doing. To this day I refer to her as a "jew-nosed spic" to the friends in my head.
But just when you thought it was so jover for me, I decided to give online dating a try. Much like my real life options, online dating provided me with nothing of value, 99% of girls would ghost me after 2 days, with a percentage of them flat out rejecting me for any and every reason under the sun. During the summer of 2022 I had the delight of dealing with the ugliest girl I've encountered. She looked like a genetic amalgamation of a downie and a woman with really bad genetics. Somehow she was uglier than every girl to approach me before. She was one of those bpd types that wouldn't leave you alone for any reason, so she took it real well when I rejected her ass.
"Ending" The Lovequest
Now that you have some context with my absolute failure of a dating life, lets move onto my ex. When I did use dating apps, I would simply swipe on every girl that showed up, I didn't care. Why does it matter? 99.9% of them will want nothing to do with me anyway, so I gotta suffice with the 0.01% of women that are willing to date me. And that's how I met my ex, by randomly swiping, if I read her profile, chances are I wouldn't have gone anywher with her, but as my friend told me "You're at the bottom of the totem pole, you really have no other option than to persue any girl interested in you with full force" I still remember how it started, I was buying a snack and she somehow matched with me. Looking back at it, chances are that i was her only option because she was trying really hard to get my attention. and over the course of a couple days, we got to know eachother a bit more. she didn't start sending me pictures of herself until a week later (literally an ugly femcel)
There are three types of women. Regular women, who find it quite easy to find and obtain a man in any situation. femcels, ugly undesirable women who struggle more than the average woman. and female manipulators, these women will destroy anything you desire. That doesn't mean regular women and femcels won't do that either (you'll find out how my ex destroyed everything on me later)
The first real memory I have with my ex is spending the entirity of my aunts wake talking to her. I sat in the corner of the funeral home chatting away on snapchat. then a couple days later she calls for the first time, and this is when things go under. through association with her I lost everything. I had to leave my college, all my friends cut me off, and all i had was her.
A little background on my ex, she lived over 100 miles away from me (because no woman in my area wants anything to do with me), she was morbidly obese, a drug addict and alcoholic, her brother is a drug dealer, and she was kicked out of her parents house for assaulting her mother. Only the most quality of women for me, I guess. You see, the majority of men get to decide if they want 1 woman or another. The only thing i get to decide is whether to date the drug addicted loser who has no other options, or i get to remain single until the next loser comes my way.
The weekend after I left my college, it was my exes birthday! (horray i guess) and she wanted to meet about 30 mins away from my location (how lovely, 2 days of weed and witchcraft!) As the big "date" approached, I told her how I would be there. the day arrived, and i didn't show up. and because this girl is a fat fucking loser, she still thought i was coming. as she called me and asked "anon, where are you? you said you would be here!" So i said something along the lines of "i'm there" but i didn't show up. nor did i plan on showing up. she stuck around until i cut her off in december since I'm not dating a drug addict loser.
So this asshole of a woman decides to blacklist me from dating in a 6 state area. it's been nearly a year and a half, and no woman wants anything to do with me. at my current college, i am ignored and treated as though i don't exist. and it's all her fault. she decided to retailate and bar me from dating, so now i have to move away from my family, to the middle of fucking nowhere just to have a chance with some other drug addicted loser (because that's the best i can get)
Go fuck yourself, georgia. thansk for destroying my life!