Same Group, Differnet Year: Amusement Park Blues

"It means nothing to me" - SS

Please don't attack anyone. if you're not me, the amusement park is a great place to work! when you're socitial trash you get treated as though you're garbage. this is why i end up in these prediciments!

Alright, some context is required. Last summer i worked at the local amusement park and had a blast of a time. Put aside the semi-negatives and it was an amazing experience. My supervisors are wonderful people, my manager was pretty chill, but my coworkers were so-so. I made some great friends to which i'm still associating with. But on the other had you had retarded 16 year old faggots that wouldn't leave me alone, or co-workers that would take hour long breaks and never take their job semi-seriously. It's basically what working around teenagers/young adults is like.

The amusement park splits the park up into 8 specific groups. and i keep ending up in the group with the least competent workers and nobody shows up to that area. It's disappointing and frustrating at times, but whatever. I don't care, i'll make sure to make my co-workers feel inferior. fuck them, lazy retards.

so i arrive to the park at noon and find out i'm at the ferris wheel for training. joy! the same ride i was on for 9 straight days last season. and had wonderful experiences like a satanic loser showing up 30 minutes late, and nearly losing my job due to a bout of drowsyness. How fun!

On the positive side, the supervisor that trained me was fantastly chill and upbeat. We talked about anime, movies, and music for about an hour during cycles.

What is GG's diabolical plan?

Well, I'm glad you asked! The plan for this season is to invite my group (mostly my groups manager) to shows and beating the shit out of him/her in the moshpit. When I mosh, I play dirty. Elbow ramming is very common with me :D

Thanks for reading