My delcining mental state: I'm fucked

God i hate my life

For a bit of context, I'm going through a lot as of writing. I'm struggling in college, i can't get into a relationship, can't make friends, the works really. I feel as though I'm treated as a ghost. People don't want to associate with me for a plethora of reasons (as of writing I'm teetering on being completely socially isolated, and I'm highly contemplating going back into complete isolation)

So, why did my life seem to randomly spiral out of nowhere. Back when I was 17, I was diagnosed with Manic Depression by a medical professional. I had a mental break while attending a virtual appointment (keep in mind this was pandemic time so everything was entirely fucked.) I was talking about murdering a student I hated, and after the appointment I grabbed a knife and sliced myself in front of my sister. Since that moment I've been perscribed some form of "mood stabliizer" (anti-psychotic.) I've been on 20mg's of Latuda (it works as both a mood stabilizer and anti-depressant) but I began dealing with neurological issues from some genuinely awful side effects in 2022 (the time I pulled a BossmanJack and "lost it all" but that will be talkekd to later). Since last year I've been perscribed 1.5Mg's of Vraylar (once again, it's a mood stabliizer) Because I thought a group of 20 faggots were out to force me into their satanic pedophile sex cult. Both of these medications are actively used to treat schizophrenia in teenagers/adults. So idk if I have schizophrenia or just manic depression. It's not like I care either way, because I hate just about every ounce of my existance.

GG's day in the life

My typical day begins with me waking up between 5:00-8:00 AM and getting ready for school on monday, tuesday, and thursdays. any other day I'm slacking off and doing nothing (but i'll get into that later) A school day begins with me getting dressed in my finest attire: patched/distressed jeans, anime socks, a pair of DC's or Vans, and my finest band tee. I take an uber (I can't drive) to the local train station and commute to the city to catch my 8:00 AM class full of leftoid faggots. The professor is fine, she's a nice german lady. But the students are art types, and at least a quarter of them are openly leftist and influenced by faggotry. We began this group project and I randomly stumbled into a group full of this degenerate phenotype. And I want to bomb the project on them because fuck you! Then I don't have my next class until 2:00 so I'll just sit in the library slacking off until then. I stopped caring about stuff, and I have no real friends at my school so nothing particularly matters.

Next comes my Java class, the professor is some asian guy and hes not the greatest at teaching. So I'll larp as the professor until he arrives and fellow students told me "I learned more from your teaching than I have in the entire class." I'll spend the class following along or looking at the Sharty, or KiwiFarms, really I just slack off.

Throughout my day, I'm socially isolated and find myself talking to my parents about my deadbeat, mentally retarded ex-girlfriend that ruined my life. I'm sure my parents just want me out ASAP. but that's probably never gonna happen, i'll just reside in the basement until god knows when. I don't have high asperations for my life. I originally wanted to be a mechanical engineer and work for a military defense company or roller coaster mannufacturer, then Georgia fucked my life up, and now I want to be a humble cybersecurity expert.

Next comes my last class of the day, Microeconomics! Sometimes I'll talk to this one guy about social decay, and sometimes I'll just eat my dinner and fall asleep until class starts. IDK anymore, I'm miserable and hate my life. I then walk to the train station and that wraps up my day.

Now, for the days I don't have class, I just sit at my computer until I get picked up for work. That's my day.

Why am I so miserable?

Simple, her name was georgia, and she destroyed my friend group, social credit, and basically everything i enjoyed about life. If you've read This article you'd know why I hate this retarded government program leech. But if you didn't, here's the tl;dr:

I was randomly swiping on a (((dating app))) and she matched with me. roommate finds out i'm in a relationship with georgia and goes life ruination on me because hes a psychopathic homosexual that spent 9 months attempting to groom me. i spend 4 months straight in total isolation talking to nobody but her because my friends at the time didn't want to talk to me. I find out shes into diapers and she thought I was into feet. the week I left my college I flaked on a date with her and she still communicated until i cut her off December 18th 2022. Her brother is a drug dealer, she threw stuff at her mother, and she never talked about her father.