Bandcamp Roundup for August 21st to 27th 2023

The first of a hopefully weekly series in which I go over some of my favorite bandcamp finds throughout the week.

A breif Introduction

I love metal, if it's got a tin-can PING PING PING PING snare and gargling vocals, i'll listen to it! For many years I've been trying to locate and accumulate the most brutal, scummy, and downright disgusting albums, demos and ep's humanly possible. However, there is no better woman repellant than listening to metal, some may have the desire to learn more about brootallity, but most will call you every insult out there and leave you to fend off sodomites for the next 6 months just so you can deal with more superficial women and the occasional retarded fat girl god decided was meant for you.

Below are some guidelines for an album to make the roundup.


to make the roundup, an album must not be released for more than 1 year. The roundup is about new releases after all


the roundup focuses upon metal releases, so if you're looking for genres that aren't metal, this isn't the place for you. You can check the pit, theres more than just metal album reviews there.


Albums can be listed on the metal archives or a rateyourmusic list, but if the album isn't posted on the artists/labels bandcamp it's not eligible for the roundup :(

Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty - Rotten Esophagogastroduodenoscopy Preparation

I get a lot of Fetal deformity vibes with this California based goregrind band. The album starts off relentlessly with "Anencephaly Diagnosed Newborn" as the hyperblasting drums and chugging gutars compliment the gurgling frog vocals, this continues for the next 9 songs.

click image to listen to album

Nithing - Agonal Hymns

click image to listen to album

Complete brutality from start to finish, seeing that Nithing is signed to New Standard Elite "Agonal Hymns" relentless brutality shouldn't come as any surprise. The snare alone has that classic "ping" that does not stop going, much like a nigger and its smoke detector beeping every 30 seconds. I also really like the album cover, it gives me human experimentation vibes, and fits the musical aesthetic of the album very well. Once again NSE brings the violence with one of THE best releases of 2023!